License Agreement

By purchasing and downloading digital templates from Palette and Blueprint Templates, you are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the templates for personal and business purposes, subject to the following terms:

  1. Permitted Use: You may use the templates in your business for client projects, marketing materials, and personal use. This includes printing, customizing, and incorporating the templates into your designs and presentations.

  2. Prohibited Use: You may not sell, resell, redistribute, or transfer the templates, in whole or in part, in any form, including but not limited to digital formats, as standalone files, or as part of a template bundle.

  3. Single-User License: This license is valid for a single user only. It cannot be shared or used by multiple individuals or entities. If you require additional licenses for multiple users, please get in touch with us for further details.

  4. Ownership: All templates are the intellectual property of Palette and Blueprint. You do not acquire ownership of the templates by purchasing the license.

You agree to abide by these terms by purchasing and using the templates. Unauthorized use of the templates will result in the termination of this license.